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in a time of surplus: an archive of food, memory and landscape 2014

Mountains in My Spoon: Artists and Food at the Lucas Artists Residency, Montalvo Art Center, Lucas Artists Residency Program Saratogo, California

Curated by Donna Conwell

I solicited preserves and one’s proud seasonal store—what local residents and Montalvo staff had PUT UP this year. Jam, pickles, sauces, fruit, vinegars, honey, beer, kraut, beans, wine and cordials. The foods we store for later use and eating pleasure are infused with memory, personal taste and our own relationship to the land where the food was grown. Along with preserves I collected written memories and stories about the California landscape, our changing climate, economy, labor and love—what you most hold dear and long to preserve about our lives in relationship to eating and local agriculture. The preserves accumulated over the course of the exhibition and were tasted at the exhibition’s closing reception. The submitted texts were edited and represented in a broadsheet given away.

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